My First Architecture Job

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Infographic: 2021 Minimum Pay Rates for Architects, Students and Graduates

Employment Awards set out the conditions of employment and minimum wages for specific industries and jobs. In 2020, a new Architect’s Award came into play, and there were significant changes that affected students of architecture and graduates. In July 2021, the new award was updated further to match minimum wage increases in Australia. This information is accurate to July 2021 rates.

The Association of Consulting Architects negotiated the 2020 broader changes, and you can read an overview of changes here.

The three key changes I want to highlight are:

- The award now clarifies payment rates for those who have graduated from a bachelors degree, but not a masters (in architecture).

- The award now includes pay rates for students of architecture.

- The ‘pay points’ now relate to the ‘national competencies for architects’ (the categories used when working towards registration).

I’m really excited about the extra clarity this gives young architects on not only what they should be paid, as a minimum, (before it was unclear), as well as the modernised reference points for review/development and working towards the next pay point.

The map below covers the new rates, at a glance. There’s a lot more detail in the full Award which you must read before confirming the rate below applies to you, and before talking to your employer. Please download the full award here.

You can also access a pay summary guide here. Please check this for the latest information.

If you’re a young architect please check out our book: 101 Things I Didn’t Learn In Architecture School: And wish I had known before my first job and join our mailing list for occasional updates and further useful articles.